Redeeming Pack Codes
Don't share this code!
Last updated
Don't share this code!
Last updated
Please Note: When claiming a pack code on the application or web browser, coaches will be required to log out and log back in before attempting to claim Pack Codes. Due to the requirement of needing a valid and active session, this will reset your connection and ensure coaches can claim their packs. Once you have received your pack code, head over to "My Packs" to redeem your Player Pack. The 'Redeem Coupon' button at the top right corner of the page is where you can input an obtained code to redeem your pack.
Once you've entered the code, press the send button and confirmation the code has worked will appear along with the redeemed pack now showing as available. You will know the code has been successful when a “Successfully Redeemed Coupon” message pops up at the bottom of your screen. Your Player Pack will automatically appear as available and ready for you to open!
It is also possible to redeem player pack codes on the mobile app! Simply head to the "Packs" feature on the GameDay Squad mobile app and select the "Coupon" button on the right of the screen. That when a pop-up will appear where you can enter and redeem a code.
Please be aware that any additional spaces entered in the 'Redeem Coupon' section will result in the code not working. Try deleting the extra spaces you've likely copied before contacting support!
However If you are having any issues redeeming your pack code, please do not hesitate to contact our team at Please Note: When claiming a pack code on the application or web browser, coaches will be required to log out and log back in before attempting to claim Pack Codes. Due to the requirement of needing a valid and active session, this will reset your connection and ensure coaches can claim their packs.