Squad Management - Global Cricket Championship

Once you've opened your first packs, you’re ready to start building your squad!

There are two parts of the squad-building process for the GameDay Squad Global Cricket Championship platform:

  1. Field - The Field is built from all your best players and consists of all the players that will be actively scoring for your team. 11 players total make up your field.

  2. Reserves - This is where you’ll find all your non-active players. You can have an unlimited amount of Reserve players.

There is no limit to player movement in GameDay Squad Global Cricket Championship in 2024. This means that you can bring as many players as you like from your Reserves onto The Field anytime outside of the players lockout.

Players will be locked out as games commence. For example: If a user has selected a player playing on Thursday night at 6:30pm AEDT, they will be locked out at 6:30pm AEDT and then unlocked at the completion of the game. The exception is for double header rounds where there are two games in one day. Players that are selected in double header rounds and are playing in the first game will be locked at the commencement of the first game, while players playing the second game will be allowed to be transferred until the lockout time of the second game (commencement of the second game).

It is important to note that if a user swaps a player who before or after, in OR out of their active team the player who is swapped in or out will score ZERO points for the round. This is to stop people taking advantage of any lock out exploits and to keep the game as fair as possible for all users. This rule applies even if the auto lockout is not active at the time.

Last updated